An image of an explosion.

Active Life

fast twitch muscle fibres fibers

What Are Fast Twitch Muscle Fibres?

Find out what are fast twitch muscle fibres, why do you need them, and how to train to build more of these fibres.
explosive leg power

Explosive Leg Power – What Is It And How To Increase It?

Learn more about this important component of your athletic performance, and how to increase it for your benefit.
heart rate zones

Heart Rate Training Zones – Why Do You Need To Know Them?

Avoid getting stuck in a rut by working out at the same intensity or covering the same distance every time.
cognitive health

Does Physical Activity Support Cognitive Function?

Physical activity not only helps to increase, repair, and maintain brain cells, but it also makes you more productive and alert.
running reaction

What Is Reaction And Why Is It Important For Health?

Reaction is a crucial component of physical activity, significantly impacting sport performance and daily living tasks requiring quick reflexes.
endurance training

What Is Endurance And Why Is It Important For Health?

Endurance is essential for health as it enhances the ability to perform physical tasks over prolonged periods.

Why Is Mobility So Important For Health?

Maintaining an adequate level of mobility is crucial for several reasons, including correct posture, injury prevention and efficiency of movement.
muscle mass

Why Is Muscle Mass Important For Health?

Maintaining an adequate muscle mass and strength is critical for health, as it supports metabolic health, helps in the prevention of diseases, and improves quality of life, especially in older adults.
speed improvement

Why Is It Important To Improve Your Speed?

Incorporating exercises that require quick movements can be beneficial for overall health.

Why Is Strength Important For Your Health?

Strength is essential for maintaining independence and reducing the risk of frailty in older age.
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